School for Young Artists
It’s Time to Party!

It’s Time to Party!

David Laks has completed our one-minute video and it’s just what we need to bring more of our community on board. It truly represents us, old and young in various walks of life. But before we disseminate it and use it for a Go Fund Me, we’re going to party!  Join us to be among [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Calling all artists to an Artist’s Enclave!

The Houst Mural wall is gathering momentum and we need artists with an eye for beauty, and the ability to transform an image using some traditional visual skills, i.e. Drawing 101, with imagination. If this makes you curious and you’d like to find out what I’m talking about, come to my gallery on Sunday, April [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Alumni Bayla Arietta

Bayla Alumni from Dave Laks on Vimeo.... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Idea People Unite! Mural Meeting this Sunday.

Let’s brainstorm to find the most inspirational, most spirit lifting Theme for Housts’ Mural Wall. See you on Sunday, March 6TH, 1:00 at Kathy’s school. We have a few great ones already. LANDMARKS OF WOODSTOCK. Have the wall appear to be a giant window either into the Hardware store or into a workshop — sort of [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Community Art

Imagine walking in the parking lot behind H. Houst and Son’s hardware store and, as you approach the back door, seeing a gigantic wall mural. Houst’s in partnership with The School for Young Artists is creating a community mural and we want everyone to be involved. The first step is to brainstorm possible themes. We want your ideas. Those [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Paint-in-the-Dark Box

Even children can become jaded with painting; our society is so fraught with images, selling, selling, selling while every face smiles. It's no wonder that by the age of eight or nine most children are inured to what they see. That's why I made a paint-in-the-dark box.

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These Students make strong graphic statements and Images.... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Art in the Kitchen

When this student brought in treats for the class, the other students said they looked like play dough. There goes my record for teaching aesthetics!... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Graphic design gets the word out. From puppy mills to child laborers in West Africa harvesting cacao for Hershey’s, graphic arts are a way bring attention to social justice issues.... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Figurative Painting

  I provide palettes set up with primary and secondary acrylic colors.  I supply white but not black or brown. Brown is an easy color to arrive at. Just put primary colors together and there you have it. Black is a too easy and it typically dulls paintings. I teach my students that complementary colors neutralize each other and I urge them to use dark [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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