School for Young Artists

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Idea People Unite! Mural Meeting this Sunday.

Let’s brainstorm to find the most inspirational, most spirit lifting Theme for Housts’ Mural Wall. See you on Sunday, March 6TH, 1:00 at Kathy’s school. We have a few great ones already. LANDMARKS OF WOODSTOCK. Have the wall appear to be a giant window either into the Hardware store or into a workshop — sort of [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Problems with Infinity

Jasper’s Ability to Work in Groups Jasper came to me after class one day saying she thought we should have a group meeting because of the conflicts that come up around Infinity. Infinity is the word we coined to describe the time when class is over and some students haven’t been picked up yet. We [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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How to Bring up a Responsible Citizen

When I'm working with a student, sewing a stuffed animal or dealing with a misdemeanor, a casual observer might not realize that I have much longer range goals then simply getting through the challenges of the present. Here is the Story of Al, the Miscreant.... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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