School for Young Artists
Media News

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Community Art

Imagine walking in the parking lot behind H. Houst and Son’s hardware store and, as you approach the back door, seeing a gigantic wall mural. Houst’s in partnership with The School for Young Artists is creating a community mural and we want everyone to be involved. The first step is to brainstorm possible themes. We want your ideas. Those [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Interview Excerpted from Paul Green’s show on WDST

The first time I’ve been interviewed on radio couldn’t have been better. Paul Green made me feel at home and acknowledged. Thank you, Paul.... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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TONIGHT— Interview with Paul Green on WDST

Postponed from last Saturday, you can catch us tonight, 7:30, live streaming on WDST Woodstock Radio. Send this on to those you think would be interested. Thanks, ~Kathy (845) 679-9541... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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When I found out that Paul Green had to postpone our interview, I posted it on Facebook and emailed those on my mailing list. I forgot to say so here on my blog. For those of you who were depending on it for information, I apologize.... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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