School for Young Artists

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Sky, Mountains, Water

We are proud of the painting by this seven-year-old. Notice the freedom of her brush strokes and her precocious understanding that sky meets land.... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Figurative Painting

  I provide palettes set up with primary and secondary acrylic colors.  I supply white but not black or brown. Brown is an easy color to arrive at. Just put primary colors together and there you have it. Black is a too easy and it typically dulls paintings. I teach my students that complementary colors neutralize each other and I urge them to use dark [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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How I Teach Painting

Artists don’t’ know how to paint. Those who who knows exactly what their painting will look like when it’s finished may be excellent technicians,  but they are not artists. Artists are involved in the process of painting; they discover what is, while it is happening. When I provide paints and canvases for for my students, [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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